#the university of indonesia

Collection of the university of indonesia news, found 1.210 news.

Indonesia state budget prone to abuses ahead of 2014 elections

The Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency (FITRA) has predicted that 2013 will be a political year, in which there ...

Increase in price would not cut cigarette consumption

Economist from the State University of Brawijaya Ahmad Erani Yustika in Surabaya said increase in tobacco excise ...

KPU to announce electoral participants next Monday

The electoral commission or KPU will conduct a plenary meeting here on Monday (Jan 7) in effort to announce the ...

Local leaders must be promoted to national level

Local leaders must be promoted to national level in an effort to overcome the crisis of national leadership figures, ...

Habibie responds insult by Malaysia`s ex-minister with smile

Former Indonesian president BJ Habibie`s recent visit to Malaysia as an official guest of the Selangor State ...

Indonesia wins global recognition for MDG implementation

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon earlier this year requested Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to co-chair ...

Indonesia to be theoretical physics centre in Asia

Indonesia has been considered suitable to become the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) for the East ...

RI predicted to experience lower economic growth in 2013

Prof Elfindri, an economist of the Andalas University, said Indonesia`s economic growth in 2013 was predicted to be ...

Food diversification through courtyard cultivation

Residential courtyards in Indonesia are being used to cultivate food crops and to diversify food production. ...

Indonesian govt must activate courtyard economy to achieve food sufficiency

Regional governments must build courtyard economy in an effort to develop enough food supplies, an expert has said. ...

Indonesian govt urged to protect state`s interests in oil contracts

A law professor has stated that the government must heed the interests of the state while signing production sharing ...

ASEAN to manage uncertainty in South China Sea

The upcoming Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit and related meetings in Phnom Penh from November 15 ...

Malaysia has to handle rape case on RI immigrant worker fairly ( corrected version in paragraph 15)

Malaysia has to take immediate steps to process fairly an alleged gang-rape by three Malaysian policemen of an ...

Mmalaysia has to handle rape case on RI immigrant fairly

Malaysia has to take immediate steps to process fairly an alleged gang-rape by three Malaysian policemen of an ...

Indonesia hails re-election of Obama, `the Menteng Kid`

Following re-election of US President Barack Obama, many Indonesians have hailed the victory of `The Menteng Kid.` ...