
Collection of tim news, found 200 news.

Coty Inc. and Elite World SA. Announce Partnership Launching New Fragrance Lines

-        Coty Inc., a leading global beauty company and Elite, the world's most ...

Stop bullying Julia, Aussie PM's boyfriend says

The boyfriend of Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has hit out at people bullying his partner, saying women are ...

mig33 Announces Developer Program and New Partners

-         mig33, one of the world's largest mobile-first communities, today unveiled ...

RI to host international SAR advisory group meeting in Kuta

Indonesia, represented by the National Search and Rescue Agency (BASARNAS), is to host an International Search And ...

Nazaruddin left Singapore for Vietnam June 20

Former Democrat Party (PD) treasurer Muhammad Nazaruddin left Singapore for Vietnam on June 20, 2011, before he was ...

Helicopter crashes in Afghanistan`s east, two troops killed

Two service members from the NATO-led force in Afghanistan were killed when a helicopter crashed in a volatile eastern ...

NATO air strike kills 14 civilians: Afghan officials

At least 14 civilians were killed and six wounded in a NATO air strike in southern Afghanistan, the local authorities ...

Ancient furry mammals had big brains for smell

Skull scans on two of the oldest known mammal species have shown their brains were large and well-developed in areas ...

Angelina Jolie Bosnia movie gets Dec US release

Angelina Jolie`s directorial debut -- a controversial movie set in wartime Bosnia -- has a name and a release date. ...

Bin Laden death rekindles torture debate

Osama bin Laden`s death has reignited debate over the George W. Bush administration`s use of harsh interrogation ...

Kamboja Tolak Kerangka Acuan Penempatan Tim Pemantau Indonesia

Kamboja menolak aturan untuk penempatan tim pemantau Indonesia di wilayah perbatasan sengketa dekat candi Preah ...

Vice President watches opera Tan Malaka at TIM

Vice President Boediono and his family watched an opera entitled Tan Malaka at Graha Bakti Budaya, Ismail Marzuki Art ...

Suicide bomber kills 10 at Afghan elders meet

A suicide attack ripped through a gathering of tribal elders in eastern Afghanistan on Wednesday, killing 10 people, ...

British Royals go digital for wedding

The man not yet king of England is facing his sternest test yet. Public expectations are high. The event is to be ...

Australia maintains cultural cooperation with Indonesia

The Australian government continues to maintain cooperation in culture and education with Indonesia in order to make ...