#tni au

Collection of tni au news, found 206 news.

VP plane fails to land at Malang airport

A Boeing 737-400 plane carrying Vice President Boediono failed to land at Iswahyudi Airport in Malang, East Java, on ...

Indonesia to buy six more Sukhois

Indonesia plans to buy six more Sukhoi fighters until 2014 to bring the total number of Russian-jets in its ...

Magelang trainer crash to be probed by air force

The Indonesian Air Force will investigate the trainer crash incident in Jetis Village, Kedungsari, Magelang District, ...

Air Force Academy has new governor

Air Force Chief of Staff Marshal Imam Sufaat on Friday installed Rear Marshal Bambang Samoedro as governor of the Air ...

Indonesian, Australian pilots conduct joint exercise in Bali

Twenty-five pilots from the Indonesian Air Forces (TNI-AU) and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) will conduct a ...

Air force Hercules helps transport holiday makers

A Hercules transport plane has been deployed to take members of the army and their families especially in remote areas ...

Sukhoi to enliven commemoration of Indonesia`s independence day

One flight of Indonesian Air Force Sukhoi jet fighters will enliven the commemoration of the 66th anniversary of the ...

Air Force provides free medical services to Pacitan residents

The Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) provided free medical services to people in Pacitan district, East Java, on ...

RI, US air forces conducting joint exercise

The Indonesian Air Force (TNI AL) and the United States Air Force (USAF) are organizing a joint exercise at the ...

Foam-laden choppers to fight fire at Pertamina refinery tank

A number of helicopters will be used to fight the fire at a Pertamina refinery tank in Cilacap, Central Java, a ...

Foreign aircraft held for illegally entering RI territory

The Indonesian military (TNI) has again held a foreign commercial plane, a Boeing 737, for traspassing Indonesian ...