#traditional fishermen

Collection of traditional fishermen news, found 164 news.

Support Jokowi`s plans to make country global maritime axis: Minister Susi

Indonesias Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti wants various parties to lend a hand in ...

Minister urges local governments to help traditional fishermen

Maritime and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti has called on local governments across the country to help ...

Do not sell fish illegally to foreign parties: Minister

Indonesian Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti hoped that traditional fishermen and fishery ...

Jakarta bay reclamation project has potential to widen social gap

The pros and cons related to the implementation of the Jakarta Bay reclamation project have continued to surface, ...

Jakarta Bay reclamation project might marginalize urban poor

The Jakarta Bay reclamation project has become controversial after a bribery case concerning the mega project came to ...

Jakarta Reclamation Affects Thousands of Fishermen

Fishermen in Muara Angke in North Jakarta are the most affected by the ambitious giant sea wall and reclamation ...

Five Indonesian fishermen detained in Malaysia

Five Indonesian fishermen have been arrested by Malaysian maritime police and now held at a Pulau Penang jail. ...

Australia must end its occupation of Timor Sea: Observer

Ferdi Tanoni, an observer of the Timor Sea issue, expressed support to the people of Timor Leste for demanding the ...

Maritime Security Board expected to remove ego-sectoral among law enforcers

The presence of the Maritime Security Board (Bakamla) to maintain security and safety at sea is expected to remove the ...

High waves sink three fishing boats in North Sumatra waters

Three traditional fishing boats sank after being hit by high waves in the waters of Alur Bui Sembilan, Pangkalan Susu, ...

Government urged to tighten control over trawl usage

The Association of Indonesian Traditional Fishermen (KNTI) urged the government to tighten control over the operation ...

People advised to eat more fish

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has advised the people to consume more fish instead of other types ...

Fishery Day observed with spirit to eat more fish

The Indonesian people today, November 21, observed the Second Anniversary of their National Fishery Day (Harkannas) ...

Ministry claims success in fight against fish poaching

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries claimed that its focused efforts on curbing illegal fishing practices ...

Govt to launch Global Fishing Watch

Indonesia will launch a campaign, called Global Fishing Watch, in 2016 to monitor the movement of fishing boats in the ...