#traditional knowledge

Collection of traditional knowledge news, found 32 news.

East Nusa Tenggara residents urged to register intellectual property

East Nusa Tenggara Deputy Governor Josef Nae Soi has invited all residents in the province to register each potential ...

Govt unveils communal intellectual property national data center app

The Law and Human Rights Ministry unveiled an update to the communal intellectual property national data center (PDN ...

Women's role crucial in struggle of indigenous people: AMAN

Women play an essential role in the struggle of indigenous people, especially in fighting for their customary rights, ...

CDIP 24th session in Geneva chaired by Indonesia's Hasan Kleib

Ambassador Hasan Kleib, Indonesian permanent representative to the United Nations, WTO, and other international ...

Heart of Borneo model of inclusive green development: WWF

The Indonesian representative of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) said the area of Heart of Borneo would be a ...

Minister emphasizes importance of intellectual property rights

Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly has stressed the importance of intellectual property rights for ...

IPB develops genetics of trees in Indonesian forests

Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) has studied the role of genetics contained in trees that grow in the forests of ...

Thousands of e-books downloaded from Indonesia education ministry`s website

Nearly 450 thousand e-books of the 2013 national curriculum had been downloaded from the ministrys website, Education ...

RI`s cultural heritage prone to claim by others

Indonesia`s cultural heritage is prone to claim by other countries because the draft law on Traditional Knowledge and ...

Indonesia sees urgency to sign Nagoya Protocol

As a mega biodiversity nation, Indonesia sees the urgency to sign the Nagoya Protocol protect its rich genetic ...

Indonesia to ratify Nagoya protocol in May

The Indonesian House of Representatives will ratify the Nagoya Protocol through a law expected to be signed in May ...

Ratifying Nagoya Protocol key to curbing genetic biopiracy

Despite being one of the world`s most bio-diverse nations, Indonesia has yet to receive compensation for the ...

Indonesia to ratify Nagoya Protocol

Vice President Boediono said Indonesia will ratify the Nagoya Protocol on access to genetic resources and fair and ...

RI parliament to deliberate bill on ratification of Nagoya Protocol

Environmental Affairs Minister Balthasar Kambuaya stated that his ministry is currently processing a bill on the ...

ASEAN Foundation chief speaks at workshop on Nagoya Protocol

ASEAN Foundation Executive Director Dr. Makarim Wibisono spoke at a national workshop on the Nagoya Protocol and ...