
Collection of transmission news, found 3.349 news.

New sub-variants triggering COVID spike: minister

The recent increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia has been caused by the emergence of three new ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 Summit: Minister outlines media center preparations

The media center for the G20 Summit in Bali is being prepared properly to meet the needs of mediapersons, Minister of ...

Vaccinate without further ado as COVID-19 cases spike: Health Ministry

The Health Ministry urged the public to immediately undergo booster vaccinations, as the number of COVID-19 cases in ...

Intensify COVID-19 testing capacity amid XBB case spike: Minister

The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture emphasized the importance of the capacity to test, trace, ...

Most hospitalized COVID-19 patients showing mild, moderate symptoms

Most patients undergoing COVID-19 treatment at hospitals are experiencing mild to moderate symptoms, Health Minister ...

Boost implementation of health protocols amid extended PPKM: Ministry

The Home Affairs Ministry urged people to intensify the implementation of health protocols and booster vaccination ...

COP 27 Egypt: PLN shares its biomass co-firing implementation in coal power plants to reduce carbon emission while driving new opportunities for the local economy

One of PLN's efforts to accelerate decarbonization is to decrease the usage of fossil energy. In the power sector, PT ...

Gov't should conduct COVID-19 test again amid XBB spread: Asmoro

Government's spokesperson for COVID-19, Reisa Broto Asmoro, suggested the government to promote COVID-19 ...

West Java readies hospitals to face potential COVID-19 surge

The provincial government of West Java has readied hospitals in the province to face a potential surge in COVID-19 ...

Ministry adds self-pickup delivery service for telemedicine users

The Health Ministry, in collaboration with state-owned pharmaceutical firm Kimia Farma, updated the mechanism of free ...

Residents should be vigilant against new COVID-19 variants: Ministry

Residents should be vigilant against the COVID-19 new variants of Omicron XBB and XBB.1 due to the reported high ...

4,514 healthcare workers in Batam get second booster

At least 4,514 of the 8,513 targeted healthcare workers in the Indonesian city of Batam have received their second ...

COVID-19: Ministry detects 12 XBB, XBB.1 cases

The Health Ministry has recorded a total of 12 cases of the XBB and XBB.1 Omicron sub-variants in Indonesia, ministry ...

East Java asked to strengthen FMD handling strategy

Head of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) Handling Task Force Suharyanto has asked East Java to improve its ...

IDI reminds of threat of XBB, XBC subvariants in Indonesia

The COVID-19 Task Force of the Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (PB IDI) reported on an early ...