
Collection of trial news, found 1.883 news.

Egypt`s Mubarak breathes freedom after six years in detention

Egypts ousted president Hosni Mubarak walked free on Friday for the first time in six years, his lawyer said. He ...

Ahok`s legal team presents three experts in blasphemy trial

A legal team of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) presented three experts during a hearing of the blasphemy trial at the ...

Fine Indonesia to boost online transportation business

Online-based transportation service provider Fine Indonesia will soon boost online transportation business by offering ...

KPK chief denies conflict of interest in e-ID card case

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Chairman Agus Rahardjo made assurance that no conflict of interest would ...

VP Kalla chairs Asian Games preparatory meeting

Vice President Jusuf Kalla led a meeting here on Wednesday to discuss preparations for the Asian Games XVII to be held ...

S. Korean court throws president out of office, two dead in protest

South Koreas Constitutional Court removed President Park Geun-hye from office on Friday over a graft scandal involving ...

Warehouse TERRADA opens the Architecture Model Workshop

- Warehouse TERRADA (Shinagawa, Tokyo; CEO Yoshihisa Nakano) is pleased to announce that on Wednesday, ...

New Frost & Sullivan research reveals Asia as Preferred Destination for Clinical Trials

Frost & Sullivan today released its latest white paper, 'Asia: Preferred Destination for Clinical Trials', with ...

Indonesia hopes Malaysia to put justice on Aisyah`s legal process

The Indonesian government hopes that Siti Aisyah, an Indonesian woman who is charged with murder of North Korean man, ...

Indonesian Embassy provides five lawyers for Siti Aisyah

Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur provides five lawyers from Gooi and Azura legal firm to defend Siti Aisyah, an ...

Siti Aisyah charged with murder

Siti Aisyah (SA), an Indonesian named as a suspect in the assassination of North Korean Kim Jong Nam in Malaysia, was ...

Indonesia targeting to reduce plastic waste by 70 percent

The Indonesian government aims to reduce 70 percent of the approximately nine million tons of the total plastic waste ...

Indonesia targets eighth place in 2018 Asian Games

Indonesia has targeted an eighth-place finish in the 2018 Asian Games, the biggest sporting event. "We target an ...

Four party factions agree to exercise right to investigate

The House of Representatives (DPRs) 90 members from four party factions agreed to use DPRs right to investigate the ...

Jakarta`s mass prayer participants instructed to not stage long march

Indonesian Police Chief General Tito Karnavian urged Muslims joining the "112" mass prayer rally organized by the ...