
Collection of ump news, found 47 news.

Wage increase doesn`t solve workers` problems: Employers association

The Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) Chairman, Sofyan Wanandi, said a labor wage increase would not solve ...

Remuneration board expected to recommend increase of labor wages

Manpower and Transmigration Minister Muhaimin Iskandar hoped that the Remuneration Board would issue recommendation on ...

Employers Association proposes 20 pct increase of minimum wage in 2014

The Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) has proposed a 20 percent increase of provincial minimum wage or UMP in ...

President calls for eradication of illegal levies

President usilo Bambang Yudhoyono has called for cooperation among regional heads of government to erase illegal ...

Minimum wage increase not applicable to all industries: Ministry

The Industry Ministry`s Director General for Manufacturing-based Industry, Panggah Susanto, said that the increase of ...

Thousands of workers hold rally in Jakarta

Thousands of workers from the Indonesian Metal Workers Federation (FSPMI) of the greater Jakarta area (Jabodetabek) ...

January's CPI to rise because of weather

Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo has predicted that the national's "consumer price index" (CPI) rate in January 2013 ...

Regional minimum wages increase by 18.32 pct in 2013

The average increase of the Provincial Minimum Wages (UMP) in 2013 is set at about 18.32 percent, up from the average ...

Workers reject 15 pct wage increase proposal

Industry Minister MS Hidayat`s idea to raise regional minimum wages by 15 percent for labor-intensive and small ...

Labour strikes affect economic growth: Economist

Indonesia is expecting economic growth of 6.8 percent next year, but it will be difficult to reach the target because ...

Provincial minimum wage cannot satisfy all: Jokowi

Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo said the Jakarta administration could not satisfy all in connection with his decision to ...

No foreign investors leaving Indonesia: BKPM

Head of the Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Chatib Basri said no foreign investor had left the country ...

Jokowi discusses minimum wage with manpower minister

Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo, popularly known as Jokowi, met with Transportation and Manpower Minister Muhaimin ...

Muslims in France worry about rising bias in wake of Toulouse shootings

Although the Toulouse scooter-riding shootings ended with the al-Qaeda-inspired gunman being killed, to Muslims in ...

azerbaijan condemns adoption of "armenian genocide" bill by French senate

Azerbaijan condemned on Tuesday the adoption by France`s Senate of a bill making it a crime to deny the Armenian ...