#un security council

Collection of un security council news, found 750 news.

Indonesia encourages global cooperation to prevent terrorism funding

The international community must work together innovatively and adaptively to prevent and overcome the increasing ...

Presidential Debate

The Indonesian Presidential Candidates' views on foreign policy

There are some major differences on how two Indonesian presidential candidates envisioned the future of Indonesian ...

Presidential Debate

Indonesia must uphold independent and active foreign policy: Jokowi

Indonesia must uphold the principles of independent and active foreign policy in the midst of the current global ...

OIC must provide concrete support for Palestine: foreign minister

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member countries have no other option but to provide solid and concrete ...

Indonesia`s human rights record can boost OHCHR member campaign: Marsudi

Indonesia`s track record in protecting and promoting human rights can be an asset for being selected to sit in the ...

Makassar to host Diplomacy Festival on Feb 22, 23

The Foreign Affairs Ministry has entrusted Makassar, the capital of South Sulawesi Province, to host the 2019 ...

Indonesia condemns closure of Temporary International Presence in Hebron

Indonesia condemns Israel's unilateral decision to close and end the mandate of international civilian observer ...

Indonesia should establish legal instrument for UNSC Resolution

The Indonesian government should establish a national legal instrument for the basis of implementing the United ...

UN lauds Indonesia`s contribution in maintaining peace

The United Nations (UN) has lauded Indonesia`s significant contribution in maintaining peace and international ...

Indonesia`s never-ending support for Palestine

Indonesia`s first participation in the UN Security Council`s open debate on the Middle Eastern condition in New York ...

Indonesia warns United Nations over Israel`s illegal settlements

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi has warned the UN Security Council, during its open debate in New York on ...

Indonesia to continue its contributions to UNRWA

Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi has affirmed Indonesia`s commitment to continue its contributions to the United ...

Indonesia officially becomes member of UNSC for 2019-2020 period

Indonesia officially began its assignment as the UN Security Council (UNSC) non-permanent member, with Permanent ...

Minister calls on youths to maintain unity for peace

Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi has appealed to Indonesian youths to maintain unity and respect differences ...

Indonesia must be strong: Marsudi

Indonesia must be strong and its economy must grow well, so that it would not be bullied or made fun of, Foreign ...