
Collection of villagers news, found 1.032 news.

Firm action to be last resort in dealing with hostage-taking in Papua

A joint task force, comprising of police and military officers, will do its utmost to use persuasive steps in dealing ...

Trillions of funds to flow into villagers` pockets

The government has since 2015 allocated a total of Rp127.64 trillion in village funds to develop infrastructure and ...

President seeks simplification of village fund accountability report

President Joko Widodo has sought for a simplification of the village fund accountability report to ease the burden of ...

Mt agung evacuees return home

The Klungkung disaster mitigation office (BPBD) has facilitated the return of Mount Agungs evacuees to their ...

Ketawai Island popular among foreign yachts

The Ketawai Island resort in Central Bangka District, Bangka-Belitung (Babel) Province, has become more popular and ...

Two villagers survive crocodile attack in Riau

Two villagers of Sikakak Village in Riau Province survived a crocodile attack while taking bath in River Kuantan, ...

Developing community-based tourism in Borobudur

The Buddhist Temple of Borobudur, the largest in the world, is a magnet that has the power to draw visitors from far ...

Mt Agung`s activity on rise, but Bali remains safe

The alert status for Mount Agung was raised to Watch, or Level IV, on Sept 22 following increased seismic activity, ...

9,421 evacuate after Mt Agung shows signs of increased activity

As many as 9,421 people have been taking refuge in 50 different places, since Mount Agung in Bali province showed ...

Bali safe for tourists despite increased activity at Mt Agung

The Bali provincial tourism office has made assurance that Bali Island is safe for tourists despite Mount Agung ...

44 villagers flee following increased volcanic activity at Mt Agung

Increased volcanic activity at Mount Agung in Bali has forced 44 local villagers to flee to safer ground, according to ...

Myanmar`s Suu Kyi under pressure as almost 125,000 Rohingya flee violence

Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi has come under pressure from countries with large Muslim populations including ...

Jokowi inquires minister about effectiveness of village fund

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has summoned Minister of Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Eko Putro ...

Better efforts needed for disaster preparedness and mitigation

Natural disasters that have hit Indonesia up to June 2017 include floods (37.4 percent), whirlwinds (29.2 percent), ...

Government should make greater efforts to reduce poverty rate: BPS

The government will need to put in greater efforts to lower the poverty rate in Indonesia to less than 10 percent, ...