
Collection of volunteers news, found 1.219 news.

President Jokowi meets with his election supporters

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) met with presidential election supporters in a national gathering held here on Sunday ...

Jokowi asks supporters to escort reform efforts

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on his supporters and volunteers to help escort the change the government is ...

Next 15 years transitional period: Jokowi

Indonesian President Joko Widodo said here on Sunday that the next 15 years would be a transitional period for the ...

Drugs may turn out to be the biggest ever human disaster: Minister

Drug abuse may turn out to be the biggest ever human disaster if it was not controlled and checked completely, Social ...

Social affairs minister oversees evacuees in Purworejo

Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa visited and reviewed the state of the evacuees in Purworejo District, ...

Landslide buries six in Kebumen, C Java

A landslide buried six residents of Duku Phkumbang, Sampang Village, Sempor, Kebumen District, Central Java Province, ...

Government repatriates 331 Indonesians from Jeddah

The Indonesian Consulate General in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia repatriated 331 Indonesian nationals on Tuesday (May 31), who ...

Sea turtle nesting season gets underway in Yogyakarta

Sea turtle nesting season has begun at the southern coast of Yogyakarta this month and will last till this year-end, ...

Landslide kills one, buries four in Bengkulu

One person was killed and four others were buried in a landslide that occurred near the Claster A Geothermal Power ...

Indonesian volunteers distribute 1.5 tons of strawberries among Gaza children

Indonesian volunteers spent part of the money donated by the countrys people to buy 1.5 tons of strawberries for the ...

Indonesia`s first honorary consulate finally opens in Palestine

Indonesia has realized its overdue plan to open an honorary consulate in Ramallah, West Bank, Palestine, thanks to the ...

W Kalimantan Governor launches fire alertness village program

West Kalimantan Governor Cornelis launched a Fire Alertness Village program in Sungai Kelik village, Nanga Tayap ...

IMI to raise funds to support Rio Haryanto

The Indonesia Motor Assocation (IMI) plans to conduct fund raising to support national racer Rio Haryanto who would ...

Zika crisis pressures Vatican to soften contraception stance

On the frontline of Brazils fight against Zika, Vandson Holanda sends Roman Catholic volunteers into the poorest areas ...

Jakarta braces for flooding during peak rainy season

The Jakarta administration is intensifying efforts to normalize sewage systems in the capital city as the rainy season ...