
Collection of wages news, found 475 news.

Labor unions urge govt not to use foreign labor

Thousands of workers staged a rally on Tuesday, urging the government to not provide easy access to foreign workers ...

Demonstrators "besiege" presidential palace

Thousands of laborers grouped under the Indonesian Workers Movement (GBI) staged a long march from Bank Indonesia ...

Migrant workers easily tricked into smuggling drugs

Indonesian migrant workers abroad, especially women, have become the easy targets of international drug mafias who ...

Indonesian migrant workers warned against drugs

Chief Commissioner General Anang Iskandar of the National Narcotic Agency (BNN) has warned Indonesian migrant workers ...

VP urges May Day demonstrators not to harm other parties

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has urged demonstrators preparing massive rallies to mark International Labor Day on Friday ...

Fuel price increase can affect inflation

The fluctuation of fuel prices can have impact on the inflation rate in April 2015, said Distribution Statistics ...

Government maintains high exchange rate of farmers

The government continues to maintain the High Exchange Rate of Farmers (Nilai Tukar Petani/NTP) to ensure the welfare ...

Govt to implement one city, one factory concept

The Indonesian government plans to introduce a "one city, one factory" concept to boost the economies of cities across ...

Indonesia logistic agency faces major challenges in future

The Indonesian State Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno appointed Lenny Sugihat as the new president director of the ...

Thousands of workers stage rally outside Lebak district legislative body

Thousands of workers staged a rally outside the Lebak district legislative council (DPRD) building in Banten province ...

Indonesian govt to divert fuel subsidy to productive sectors

The Indonesian government has decided to reallocate some Rp330 trillion of energy subsidy to productive sectors that ...

Indonesia needs to optimize benefits from AEC labor market: ILO

Indonesia needs to optimize the benefits from the labor market in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), such as increase ...

28.28 million Indonesians live in poverty

More than 28.28 million Indonesian people live in poverty as of March 2014 compared to 28.17 million in the same ...

Young voters prefer Jokowi-JK pair: survey

Young voters in the age group of 17 to 22 years prefer the Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla pair to the Prabowo Subianto-Hatta ...

Rupiah down 22 points to rp11,800 on Tuesday

The Indonesian rupiah traded at Rp11,800 against the dollar in the Jakarta interbank spot market on Tuesday evening, ...