
Collection of warehouse news, found 488 news.

Jakarta customs foil attempt to smuggle beef from Australia

The Customs office in cooperation with the Quarantine Agency of the agriculture ministry has foiled an attempt to ...

BI`s warehouse is safe despite floods in Jakarta

Floods have affected the Bank Indonesia building on MH Thamrin road, but the bank has assured the public that their ...

Kalla predicted to be most favorite presidential candidate pair

Former vice president Yusuf Kalla is predicted to become the most favorite presidential candidate pair in the coming ...

Indonesia to send rice to victims of typhoon Bopha Friday

Indonesian government will send 2,000 tons of rice to the victims of Typhoon Bopha in Davao, Mindanao, the Philippine ...

Fertilizer stocks more than enough in W Java

Producer assured farmers that stocks of urea fertilizer are more than enough for West Java for the planting season ...

Indonesia delivers aid to victims of typhoon bopha

The Indonesian Minister for People`s Welfare, Agung Laksono, arrived in the Philippine southern island of Mindanao on ...

APRI urges government to lift rattan export ban

The Indonesian Rattan Employers Association, APRI, has urged the government to lift the rattan export ban, as per the ...

Israeli Air Force chief: Hezbollah ready for battle

Days after a mysterious blast levelled a Hezbollah weapons warehouse in southern Lebanon which reportedly contained ...

Three people dead after warehouse collapsed

Three people have been found dead while 40 others were believed to have been buried after a warehouse collapsed at ...

Customs and excise office destroys illegal cigarettes worth Rp4 billion

The Directorate General of Customs and Excise of Tanjung Perak I Office, destroyed eleven million illegal cigarettes ...

Fire razes warehouse in north Jakarta

A fire razed a warehouse on Jalan RE Martadinata in Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, on Friday night but it claimed no ...

Airport customs foil meth smuggling attempt

Soekarno-Hatta International Airport`s customs and excise officers foiled a smuggling attempt involving 5,688 grams of ...

Drought begins to severly affect farmers, food crops

The ongoing drought in Indonesia has begun to affect food crops in various parts of the country, as farmers continue ...

Police HQ sends team to investigate Ogan Ilir attack

The Indonesian Police Headquarters has sent a team to investigate the police`s Mobile Brigade (Brimob) shooting last ...

Fossils in Trinil museum yet to be studied

Hundreds of animal and plant fossils collected by Trinil Museum located in Pilang sub village, Kawu village, ...