
Collection of warehouse news, found 490 news.

Police HQ sends team to investigate Ogan Ilir attack

The Indonesian Police Headquarters has sent a team to investigate the police`s Mobile Brigade (Brimob) shooting last ...

Fossils in Trinil museum yet to be studied

Hundreds of animal and plant fossils collected by Trinil Museum located in Pilang sub village, Kawu village, ...

150 Years Of The Bacardi Archive Revealed

-    - Bacardi shares rare look into archive to showcase 150-year rise of iconic rum brand from ...

Foreign investment up 30.3 pct in first quarter

Foreign investment rose 30.3 percent in the first quarter of 2012 to Rp51.5 trillion, compared with Rp39.5 trillion ...

Farmers asked to process rattan to get warehouse receipts

The trade ministry has asked rattan farmers and collectors to process their rattan before storing them in warehouses ...

Buffer stock for raw rattan needed

A buffer stock, such as the state logistics board (Bulog) which collects rice, is needed to accommodate farmers` raw ...

RS Components and Allied Electronics Announce Successful Completion of Compliance Tests

-First batch of boards currently in warehouse conform to Class A ITE standard as required by the EMC ...

BUMNs must become engine of growth; Dahlan

Jakarta (ANTARA News' - State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan, expressed his belief that state-owned companies must ...

Yemen air force, troops kill 62 militants

Yemen`s air force and ground troops killed at least 62 suspected al Qaeda-linked fighters on Wednesday, officials and ...

No planes landing since shooting at Mulia airport, says police

No planes have landed at Mulia Airport, Puncak Jaya district, since a fatal shooting incident at the airport last ...

Mali hit by looting after coup, president "safe"

Soldiers looted petrol stations and hijacked cars in Mali`s capital Bamako on Friday, 48 hours after a military coup, ...

2012 Sail Morotai was Officially Launched

A big event of 2012 Sail Morotai was officialy launched by the Coordinating Minister of People Welfare, Agung Laksono ...

RS Components Furthers Investment in Asia Pacific

-Substantial stock enhancement provides optimum availability of high demand products to customers ...

Baby kidnapped after his mother was forced to give birth

A group of criminals stole a newborn baby boy after its mother was kidnapped and forced to give birth in an abundant ...

Jakarta police uncover Dutch-supplied narcotics ring

Police have uncovered a drug distribution operation believed to have been supplied from the Netherlands in Jakarta`s ...