#waste management

Collection of waste management news, found 778 news.

Government to reclaim regions contaminated by mercury

The government has prepared a national action plan spread over the next few years to reclaim regions exposed to the ...

News Focus

Understanding the plastic monster's message to Indonesians

A civil society coalition of 49 environmental groups, including the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) and ...

1,048 people to join anti-plastic parade

As many as 1,048 people have registered to join a parade rejecting single-use plastic bags in Jakarta Sunday. The ...

Plastic monster raises Indonesians' awareness of menace of plastic

A civil society coalition of 49 environmental groups, including the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) and ...

News Focus

Waste materials can be transformed into treasure

For years, a steady stream of waste materials has made its way into landscapes, landfills, waterways, and garbage ...

News Focus

Indonesia takes firm stand on saying no to foreign rubbish

Over the past few months, Indonesia has repeatedly shown its objection toward becoming a dumping ground for foreign ...

Ministry builds infrastructure to develop Raja Ampat tourism industry

The Public Works and Housing Ministry has built infrastructure to support development of the tourism industry in Raja ...

News Focus

Awaiting Indonesia's concrete efforts to fight marine debris

Indonesian President Joko Widodo and his counterparts from Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the ...

Batam city government bans use of imported plastic waste

The Batam city government barred imported plastic waste used as raw materials for industries in the coastal city owing ...

Greenpeace recommends ASEAN to curtain single-use plastic production

Greenpeace Southeast Asia has praised the Bangkok Declaration and the ASEAN Framework of Action on Marine Debris, ...

Techno-application should be foremost in marine debris prevention

Applying recycling and bioplastic technologies should be the foremost strategy in reducing and preventing plastic waste ...

Jakarta hosts C40 Cities Climate Action Planning Program

The governor of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, expressed pride over Jakarta becoming a host of the launch of the C40 Cities ...

Surabaya Mayor talks about waste management in France

Mayor of Surabaya Tri Rismaharini talked about waste management in her city while speaking during a debate on Plastics ...

Purworejo metamorphoses for the better through Village Fund Program

Purworejo Village, Sanan Kulon Sub-District, Blitar District, is in a state of continuous transformation owing to the ...

Loa Duri Ilir village to be named among Indonesia's 100 best villages

Loa Duri Ilir village, located in Loa Janan sub-district, Kutai Kartanegara District, East Kalimantan Province, has ...