The Search and Rescue Team of Denpasar, Bali, has been looking for 71-year-old German tourist, Bernhard Manfred Erich ...
Five passengers reportedly died after a speed boat capsized in Nangka Island water, Sungaiselan Subdistrict, Central ...
Bali Waters Police will secure the election logistics distribution from main island to surrounding small islands ...
Tens of illegal immigrants from the Middle East were found stranded at Pangandaran Beach in West Java on Wednesday ...
A group of pirates robbed a Liberian-flagged motor vessel when it was sailing in Rupat Strait of Dumai waters, Riau ...
The Batam Water Police recently took 61 Vietnamese fishermen into custody for illegal fishing in the waters of Riau ...
Indonesia is observing a moratorium on cooperating with Australia on people-smuggling following a spying scandal ...
The Banten provincial water police caught 80 illegal immigrants from Iran and Myanmar in the waters off Peucang island ...
Indonesia has been doing important steps in line with the trend of sustainable fisheries management policies, ...
The Water Police Unit of Bali confiscated 33 rare sea turtles from a boat in the Tanjung Benoa Beach, Bali, since the ...
Thirty-five illegal immigrants from Middle Eastern countries were arrested by the Water Police in Garut waters, West ...
Two tourists are reported to have drowned after being caught in strong sea currents while bathing at Garut district`s ...
Sixty passengers from the MV Putri Ayu, which capsized on its way from Ambon to Namrolle in the eastern Indonesian ...
A total of 68 Afghan and Sudanese immigrants being detained at the Malang immigration office will soon be taken to the ...
A wooden boat carrying some 50 illegal immigrants from the Middle East which allegedly went down southwest of Maluk ...