#west sulawesi

Collection of west sulawesi news, found 607 news.

Fiscal policy should be anticipative, responsive: President

The current pandemic has highlighted the need for making Indonesia’s fiscal policy architecture anticipative and ...

Openness key to achieving "Resilient Indonesia, Advancing Indonesia"

The theme "Resilient Indonesia, Advancing Indonesia” can solely be achieved through openness and readiness ...

President highlights need for constructive criticism at annual session

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) deems constructive criticism as important, and to this end, the government ...

President wears traditional Baduy attire at MPR annual session

President Joko Widodo wore traditional Baduy attire during the annual plenary session of the People's Consultative ...

BMKG issues warning of extreme weather in parts of Indonesia

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has issued a warning for potential extreme weather ...

COVID-19 cases up in five Indonesia's provinces: Health Ministry

Five provinces in Indonesia have recorded an increase in COVID-19 cases in the past week, while nationally, there has ...

Vaccination rate among older adults still low in 5 provinces: ministry

The COVID-19 vaccination rate among older adults in five Indonesian provinces is still very low, the Ministry of Health ...

BMKG forecasts sunny, cloudy weather for most Indonesian regions

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has forecast that sunny and cloudy weather will prevail over ...

Central Sulawesi's earthquake triggers mass movement to higher ground

Tens of people fled to higher ground over fears of a tsunami following a powerful earthquake that rattled Tojo Una-Una ...

RI Consulate in Tawau sends home 50 Indonesians from Malaysia

Indonesian Consulate in Tawau again facilitated the independent repatriation of 50 Indonesians -- 33 men and 17 women ...

News Feature

Reviving Indonesia's self-reliance in soybean production

At the beginning of 2021, residents of the Greater Jakarta Area, including Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi, found ...

South Sulawesi's flooding severely affects 123 Inalipue villagers

The South Sulawesi Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) announced on Sunday that the flash floods that hit Inalipue ...

Obtain updates on disasters, risk alerts from reliable sources: BNPB

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) called on Indonesians to update their information regarding natural ...

493 killed in 1,423 natural disaster events this year: BNPB

At least 493 people died and 68 others went missing in 1,423 natural disaster events in different parts of Indonesia ...

No report of damages after Meulaboh quake: disaster mitigation agency

The 4.9-magnitude earthquake that jolted Meulaboh, Aceh Province, in the early hours of Saturday did not cause damages, ...