#west sulawesi

Collection of west sulawesi news, found 607 news.

Minister must be responsible for delay in exam papers

The education and culture minister must be responsible for the delay in the distribution of national examination ...

Air Force urged to distribute national examination sheets

Ministry of Education and Culture has asked Air Force to help distribute the national examination sheets 2013 for ...

Indonesia to restore polluted rivers

Indonesia is a tropical country having at least 5,590 rivers and 65,017 tributaries with a total length of the rivers ...

Floods, landslides hit 11 districts in Indonesia

Floods and landslides have hit 11 districts in Indonesia lately, a spokesman of the National Disaster Mitigation ...

Statoil grows 20,000 mangrove trees in West Sulawesi

Oil company Statoil is growing 20,000 mangrove trees to meet its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitment in ...

Artificial rain demand increasing

The Indonesian Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) receives increasing demand of artificial ...

Artificial rain demand increasing

The Indonesian Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) receives increasing demand of artificial ...

Indonesia General Election Commission to fix number of electoral districts

The Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU) will decide the number of electoral districts for the General ...

Impacts of Cyclone Narelle, Typhoon Bopha make Indonesia very windy

Indonesia has been very windy over the past two weeks as the impacts of Cyclone Narelle that has been developing in ...

Regional minimum wages increase by 18.32 pct in 2013

The average increase of the Provincial Minimum Wages (UMP) in 2013 is set at about 18.32 percent, up from the average ...

floods expand in several Indonesian provinces

Floods that have hit some parts of Indonesia since November 2012, are currently expanding in a number of provinces ...

Flooding destroyed cacao crop in West Sulawesi

Flooding has hit the regency of Mamuju in West Sulawesi destroying food crops after heavy rain over the past several ...

Indonesia did not have major natural disasters in 2012

Indonesia, a country which is prone to natural disasters - floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, droughts, tsunamis ...

UNICEF to support W. Sulawesi in healthcare development

The UNICEF and the US government will assist West Sulawesi in healthcare development, according to the province's ...

Three governors, one mayor receive ANTARA Awards

Three governors and one mayor have received awards from ANTARA news agency for being forthcoming with the media. ...