#wild sumatran elephants

Collection of wild sumatran elephants news, found 24 news.

Wild Sumatran elephants destroy home in West Lampung village

A herd of wild Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus) encroached on Sidorejo village, Suoh sub-district, ...

Wild Sumatran elephants raid farms again in Lampung

A herd of wild Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus) again encroached and destroyed the farmlands of several ...

Year Ender 2023

Indonesia awaits VP candidates' views on HWCs

Indonesia's presidential and vice presidential pairs, currently striving to win the hearts and minds of the ...

TPFF helps keep elephant herd away from Aceh residential area

Members of Central Aceh's Flora and Fauna Safeguarding Team (TPFF) worked with the residents of Bener Meriah ...

USK's experts join effort to resolve human-wildlife conflicts in Aceh

A team of the Syiah Kuala University's (USK's) experts has joined a collective effort to seek solutions to ...

Elephant calf rescued from snare trap in Aceh Jaya: BKSDA

Members of the wildlife team of the Aceh Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) rescued a Sumatran elephant calf ...

Wild elephants go on rampage in Aceh destroying villagers' harvest

A herd of wild Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus) ran amok, inflicting destruction to the harvested crops ...

Veterinarian team treats wounded female Sumatran elephant in East Aceh

A team of veterinarians from the Aceh Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) and Leuser Conservation Forum (FKL) ...

Baby elephant born in North Sumatra's Tangkahan CRU

North Sumatra Office Doni Latuperisa opined that more clusters of elephant rehabilitation centers are required. The ...

More clusters of Sumatran elephant rehab centers required: Walhi

North Sumatra Office Doni Latuperisa stated. In Padang Lawas District, North Sumatra Province, the Barumun Nagari ...

Sumatran elephant destroys villagers' farmlands in Aceh

A wild Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) sneaked into and destroyed the farmlands of several residents of ...

News Focus

Saving Indonesia's elephants and tigers from extinction

Human-wildlife conflicts and illegal wildlife trade still pose threats to Indonesia's endeavors to save its ...

Aceh govt urged to seek solutions to human-wildlife conflicts

A legislator has appealed to the Aceh provincial administration to seek solutions to human-wildlife conflicts that ...

News Focus

Forest fires destroy parts of Sumatran elephant habitats

Wildfires ravaging forest areas in Riau, Jambi, South Sumatra, West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, and South ...

Wild elephants destroy four houses in Aceh

A human-animal conflict continues in the areas of Bener Meriah District, Aceh Province with a herd of wild Sumatran ...