
Collection of wildlife news, found 538 news.

Founder of Kompas Daily Wins Lifetime Achievement Award at Gala APC Dinner

Fifty GOLD and EXCELLENCE winners across eighteen categories were awarded during the Asian Publishing Awards, Friday ...

ASEAN promotes six creative travel themes to tourist in region

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is currently promoting six experiential and creative travel themes ...

The Indonesia's Ministry of Forestry Collaborated with Orangutan Foundation International (OFI) to Release Orangutan

- The Ministry of Forestry of Republic of Indonesia (MF) partnered with Orangutan Foundation International (OFI), PT. ...

Geothermal project rejected for religious reasons

Bali has rejected the central government`s plan to build a geothermal power plant in Bedugul, Tabanan, due to a ...

UNESCO to add new sites to world heritage list

World Heritage Committee will meet this month in Cambodia to consider adding 32 more sites onto UNESCO`s World ...

Raids intensified on illegal hunt for wild life in Bengkulu

The Bengkulu Natural Resources Conservation Center said it will intensify raids on illegal hunt for wild life in the ...

An orangutan baby born in a wildlife park

A female baby orangutan was born and named `Belia` in the Wonosari Mangkang Wildlife Park, Semarang, Central Java, on ...

Bombay Sapphire® Gin Distillery Achieves World's First 'Outstanding' Design-Stage BREEAM Sustainability Accolade

-     Site named as one of world's most sustainable distilleries ahead of opening in Autumn 2013, ...

Routes Asia Officially Handed Over to Kuching for 2014

-     After a successful Routes Asia in Mumbai which saw over 700 hundred delegates in attendance, ...

Cristiano Ronaldo to champion mangrove conservation in Indonesia

Real Madrid`s soccer star, Cristiano Ronaldo, named ambassador for Bali-based Forum Peduli Mangrove (Mangrove Care ...

Greenpeace Indonesia to focus on campaigns against over fishing

Greenpeace Indonesia will focus on launching campaigns against over fishing to protect the country`s marine ...

Lion kills worker at California wildlife sanctuary

An African lion attacked and killed an employee of a private wildlife sanctuary in central California on ...

Orangutans living outside natural habitat need attention

Orangutans are usually cute, adorable and smart that some people want to keep them as pets. Besides, orangutans and ...

Sumatran elephant deaths on the rise

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has reported that an increasing number of Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus ...

Pangolins remain to become victims of poaching, illegal trading in 2012

Pangolins, also known as scaly anteaters, are not cute animal that people would like to keep as pets, but they are in ...