
Collection of wildlife news, found 538 news.

Panda-monium Hits London with the Launch of Chengdu Panda Awareness Week

- July 4th marks the international launch of Panda Awareness Week (PAW), with 108 costumed pandas performing a tai-chi ...

Foreign students taking care of Sumatran elephants in Seblat

Five foreign students from different countries are learning to care for the Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus ...

Rhinos in Indonesia in more critical condition

The International Rhinos Foundation (IRF) disclosed that the rhinos in Indonesia are in a critical condition compared ...

Conservationists Await Rare Sumatran Rhino Birth

-                    ...

NTT observes Coral Triangle Day 2012

East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) supported the Coral Triangle Day 2012, which is observed for the first time in several Coral ...

Ministry hails WWF`s guidelines for sustainable fisheries

The maritime affairs and fisheries ministry hails the recent publication of the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF)`s ...

Profauna ready to build animal sanctuary in Malang

ProFauna, an Indonesian animal protection charity organisation, is preparing to build a sanctuary in the Profauna ...

Javan leopards on brink of extinction

The population of Javan leopards (Panthera pardus melas), who are thought to have migrated from South Asia to Java ...

Count Baluran Javanese leopards with fingers

There are only about 7-10 Javanese leopards (Panthera pardus melas) remaining in Baluran National Park in Situbondo, ...

MMAF is Optimistic to Reach 20 Million HA of Marine Conservation Area

The cooperation between Indonesia and United States continues to be improved actively by engaged  the relevant ...

Seeing REDD: WWF Poses "Direct Threat" to Livelihoods in Tanzania

-     Accusations of Evictions, Destruction of Crops, and Burning Homes Leveled Against ...

Polar bears have symptoms of mystery disease: US Agency

Symptoms of a mysterious disease that has killed scores of seals off Alaska and infected walruses are now showing up ...

S. Korea to push tourism near tense border with north

Gun-toting soldiers patrol guard posts overlooking North Korean territory beyond a barbed-wire fence. Hundreds of red ...

Allegations of Embezzlement; Norway Halts Funds to Anti-Indonesian NGO

-     - Scandal raises questions of WWF credibility, tarnishes reputation    The ...

news focus: heart of Borneo designated as "world`s lungs"

Kalimantan Island or also known as Borneo is host to a vast area of the country`s remaining tropical rainforests ...