
Collection of workshop news, found 900 news.

Need financing innovation to improve clean water access: govt

Improving people’s clean water access, specifically using the piping system, will require developing innovative ...

PIPES for All: Catalysing an Inclusive Digital Talent Surge in Asia Pacific

The Asia-Pacific region stands on the cusp of a digital revolution, with Southeast Asia's internet economy predicted ...

Schools should emphasize sensibility for religious freedom: KSP

Schools must highlight sensibility for religious freedom and law supremacy in their learning process, according to the ...


Want to change polluting ways? Show by example

Yong Ardinal does not have to roll up his trousers and wade into the brown stream. He’s an entrepreneur employing ...

BIN-fostered association trains young Papuans in electronics assembly

The Inspiring Papuan Youngsters (PMI), a Papuan youth organization supported by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), ...

Ministry hosts workshop to hone local filmmakers' professional skills

The Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry hosted a workshop on filming, titled "Towards Industry," as an ...

Ministry hosts program to promote entrepreneurship at varsity

The Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Ministry is hosting an “Entrepreneur Hub” at ...

Ministry seeks to make 5% of motorcycles electric by 2030

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry is of the total fuel-powered motorcycles that are currently circulating in ...

Ministry details provisions on electric bike conversion assistance

The Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ministry has announced several requirements for the community to obtain ...

RI committed to improving quality, standards of financial audits

Indonesia, as among the 54 member countries of the International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators (IFIAR), remains ...

MSMEs must not fear paying tax: govt

The Investment Ministry/Investment Coordinating Board (Kemeninves BKPM) has asked micro, small, and medium enterprises ...

Ministry to hold short film competition Layar Indonesiana 2030

The Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Ministry will organize a short film production competition titled ...

Politics should not divide nation: President Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) reminded that politics should not divide the nation. Therefore, he asked political ...

China to work with Indonesia to accelerate CoC on South China Sea

China has pledged to work with Indonesia and ASEAN countries to accelerate negotiations on the code of conduct (CoC) on ...

APEC seeks to address barriers for women in customs administration

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), through its sub-committee on customs procedures, has solidified its ...