That first export of merbau woods, which is West papuas specialty by CV Sorong Timber Irian, inaugurated by Governor, Dominggus Mandacan at Sorong Port on Tuesday.
Governor Dominggus Mandacan said the export of 30 containers merbau woods by CV Sorong Timber Irian to Shanghai, through Makassar port is the first direct export for the commodity in West Papua Province.
He stated the direct export agenda was done in cooperation between CV Sorong Timber Irian and Pelindo IV which of course it would impact the provinces economical growth.
Mandacan also hopes that this direct wood export would push another companies in West Papua to make similar export activities.
Governor said, provincial government or even regional would help the companies to access the permit to manage the woods as stated by law so it would push export and contributes to economical development.
"We also hopes CV Sorong Timber Irian will not just stop there, but could do it in a routine and even improving it," Mandacan said.
Director of Nusantara Terminal Services (NTS) subsidiaries of Pelindo, Kusmahadi Setya Jaya, on another statement, said that the merbau woods export by Sorong Timber Irian is the first direct export from West Papua.
According to him, so far the province carried out their exports, but not directly because the documents needed are made outside West Papua, such as in Surabaya and Jakarta.
Right now, he said, the export documents could be done in West Papua. This is surely a chance for the government to pushes local economy.
Hopefully in the future, it is not just Merbau woods that has been exported, but other commodities as well especially natural resources to push West Papuas economy," he added.(*)
Editor: Heru Purwanto
Copyright © ANTARA 2017