Sawahlunto, W Sumatra (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo visited the home of the late press pioneer Djamaluddin Adinegoro in Sawahlunto, West Sumatra, on Thursday during which he handed over land cerificate to his heir.

"He is a great press figure and has influenced our literary works," he said after handing over the certificate of his property to his heir.

President Joko Widodo said the nation had to know Adinegoro`s history to learn his literary works.

He said he had handed over the certificate as the basis for developing the house as a Adinegoro museum.

The house sits on a 2,459 square meter plot of land. "Certainly his historical records would be preserved in the museum," he said.

President Joko Widodo arrived at Adinegoro`s home at 4.30pm after visiting Solok district and would spend the night in the district of Tanah Datar.

Adinegoro was born in Sawahlunto in 1904 and died on January 8, 1967. He was a medial student at STOVIA before pursuing education including in journalism in Germany and the Netherlands before becoming a freelance reporter of Pewarta Deli (Medan), Bintang Timur and Panji Pustaka (Batavia or Jakarta now).

He later joined ANTARA News Agency. His name has been dedicated to the highest journalistic award known as Adinegoro Award.

Reported by Bayu Prasetyo

Reporter: antara
Editor: Heru Purwanto
Copyright © ANTARA 2018