The index of the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) rose 12.50 points to 5,782.38 points with the index of the 45 most liquid stocks (LQ45) up 0.34 percent to 906.18 points.
Senior analyst of CSA Research Institue Reza Priyambada said investors began to buy shares the prices of which have dropped in the past several days.
"The price fall in the past several days was an opportunity to collect cheap shares to be sold when the price rise to make profit," Reza said.
He said he hoped domestic sentiment with national economy relatively conducive could maintain the confidence of investors in the domestic share market.
Analyst of Henan Putihrai, Liza Camelia Suryanata said the impact of the Turkish crisis would be temporary on the country`s economy and investors were prompted to buy share by the conducive situation in the country .
"Our economic data are better than those of Turkey , therefore, the negative external sentiment would not last long," Liza said here on Tuesday.
Reporting by Zubi Mahrofi
Editing by A Saragih, A Abdussalam
Reporter: Antara
Editor: Fardah Assegaf
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