Pekanbaru, Riau, (ANTARA News) - The Forestry and Environment Ministry has demanded payment of Rp16.2 trillion in fine ruled by the Supreme Court against PT Merbau Pelalawan Lestari (MPL).

The request was submitted to the Pekanbaru district court to make the execution.

"We have gone to the Pekanbaru District Court asking for the execution of the court decision," Director General of Law Enforcement of the Forestry and Environment Ministry Rasio Ridho Sani said on Tuesday.

The Supreme Court in its investigation of the MPL case, found the forestry company guilty of felling forest trees outside its concession and ruled it to pay a fine of Rp16.2 trillion to the state.

The verdict on the case No. 460k/Pdt/2016 cancelled the decision of Pekanbaru High Court in November, 2014 and District court in March 2014.

PT Merbau Pelalawan Lestari was punished for cutting trees outside its forest concession.

However, PT MPL has failed to make the payment after two years already past following the Supreme Court`s verdict.

"The authority for the execution is in the hand of chairman of the Pekanbaru district court. We have asked the court to do the execution," Rasio said.

Separately, Director of PT MPL, Koswara refused to answer question about the case.

Reporting by Anggi Romadhoni
Editing by Albert Saragih, Bustanudin

Reporter: Antara
Editor: Suharto
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