Papua is an important part that is inseparable from the Unitary State of the Republic of IndonesiaJayapura (ANTARA) - Papua is an inseparable part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu emphasized Wednesday. "Papua is an important part that is inseparable from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," Ryacudu said while making his remarks in Babrongko Umandrow Village, Jayapura District, Papua.
Defending a country is required by every religion, according to him.
"Any religion will forbid establishing a state within a state," Ryamizard stressed.
The minister also reminded that Papua was a legitimate part of the NKRI.
"This is our common duty. As ambassadors of the defense of the country, you are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the NKRI forever. The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and Pancasila are the final price," the minister remarked.
Pancasila (the Five Principles, the Indonesian State Ideology) becomes a glue of the Indonesian people from Sabang to Papua, from Rote Island to Miangas Island, the minister said.
Pancasila was Indonesia itself, replacing Pancasila means replacing Indonesia, Ryamizard reiterated.
"Pancasila will rise and sink with this country. The destruction of Pancasila is the destruction of the state," he said.
Therefore, it has become an agreement and a joint task to always maintain and preserve Pancasila as a national identity that must always be reflected in the life of the nation and state.
"Pancasila is a state ideology that is final and must not be negotiable. We must all be proud of Pancasila," the Minister of Defense said.
Pancasila has united thousands of differences ranging from ethnicity, culture, race and religion.
"This is a miraculous and great ideology. Because of that, there is no reason for all of us not to protect Pancasila," Ryacudu asserted. (INE)
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Translator: Syaiful Hakim/ Azis Kurmala
Editor: Suharto
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