In a statement issued here on Friday, acting secretary general of the ministry, Anita Firmanti, said the ministry would continue to encourage the development of vertical housing in urban areas so people can afford a comfortable house.
“Currently, land availability for residential areas in cities is limited. The development of vertical housing has become an option for millennials who want to stay and work in cities,” she elaborated.
Living in vertical housing would allow workers to have easier access to their offices, she said.
"Of course, this will be adjusted with their respective income. If they don't have enough income to buy the house, they can use the bank's facility of house ownership credit (KPR)," she added.
Firmanti has also encouraged the development of transit-oriented residential areas and called on banks to simplify KPR disbursement to attract millennials to buy homes.
Meanwhile, director of BTN, Hirwandi Gafar, said the state-owned lender bank is ready to help millennials to own a house, both in landed and vertical housing.
BTN has disbursed house ownership credit (KPR) for hundreds of thousand of houses in Indonesia.
BTN (PT Bank Tabungan Negara) is a state-owned enterprise bank, responsible for providing financial services to the public in order to drive economic growth for Indonesians in general and for small and medium businesses in Indonesia.
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Translator: M Razi Rahman, Sri Haryati
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
Copyright © ANTARA 2020