"The government praises Muhammadiyah's contribution and consistency in handling the pandemic," President Jokowi remarked at the State Palace here on Thursday.
The head of state expressed his appreciation for Muhammadiyah while giving video-broadcast remarks at an event to celebrate the 109th anniversary of Muhammadiyah.
The offline event was held at the Sportorium of the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY).
"Since the start of the pandemic, Muhammadiyah has moved quickly, mobilizing all its charitable potential in an organized manner and doing humanitarian work sincerely," the president affirmed.
Muhammadiyah, Indonesia's second-largest Muslim organization, has set an example of social piety, according to the head of state.
Related news: President Jokowi to attend Muhammdiyah's 109th anniversary event
"(Muhammadiyah has been) optimizing the use of more than 117 hospitals and 63 Muhammadiyah and Aisyah universities to help people affected by COVID-19," Jokowi noted.
The president affirmed that the mass organization had participated in strengthening and enlightening the people as well as providing medical endeavors and promoting health protocols.
"Alhamdulillah, thanks to the cooperation and hard work of all components of the nation, we have succeeded in suppressing the rate of COVID-19 infections. We have succeeded in bringing it down, and the community is slowly getting back to work," the president remarked.
Productive businesses have started to move, although the public must stay vigilant to prevent the number of confirmed cases from rising again.
"We should be grateful that the international community lauds the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic," according to the president.
On behalf of the people, nation, and state, President Jokowi congratulated Muhammadiyah on its 109th Anniversary.
History has recorded that Muhammadiyah has unwaveringly disseminated the key values to strengthen progressive Muslims as the key to ensuring human dignity.
Meanwhile, the 109th Anniversary was themed "Optimistic in Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic: Spreading Key Values".
Related news: Successful lockdown will depend on public discipline: Muhammadiyah
Translator: Desca LN, Fardah
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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