Jakarta (ANTARA) - A member of the Immunization Task Force of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), Dr Mei Neni Sitaresmi, stated that children vaccinated against COVID-19 may experience minor side effects.

"Parents must know that there is a possibility of (side effects) after children get inoculated. Akin to other vaccines, the side effects can be in the form of children feeling weak and experiencing muscle pain, flu, fever, and nausea," Sitaresmi told the media here on Friday.

However, the doctor reminded that those side effects will be mild in nature and with a day or two of rest and staying hydrated, children will recover.

"If (the side effects) are really disturbing, they can be given paracetamol," she explained at the "COVID-19 Vaccination is Safe for Children Aged 6-11 Years Old" event.

However, she urged parents to not give paracetamol medicine in the absence of side effects. Another side effect is pain or swelling in the body part where the vaccine dose was administered, but she deemed that it is normal.

Related news: No severe side-effect surfaces in vaccinated children: Pediatrician

Nevertheless, her team explained that the symptoms that emerge post-vaccination usually do not originate from the vaccine itself but due to vaccine-related stress or anxiety.

"In a lot of cases, the side effects occur because of responses related to immunization stress. Hence, it is not the vaccine but the injection process," Sitaresmi explained.

Hence, to minimize the emergence of those side effects, parents should prepare their child before getting the vaccination in addition to following the screening process with integrity.

"This can be avoided and must be prevented, and of course, with good screening," she pointed out.

Sitaresmi highlighted that until now, the recommended vaccine that has been registered is the Sinovac brand for children in the age group of 6-11 years. The vaccine is injected twice, with a one-month gap in between doses, at schools and health centers.

If children have been administered another vaccine brand, then the next vaccine dose should be given after a minimum of 14 days, she noted.

Related news: Mild KIPI seen in children after COVID-19 vaccination: IDAI
Related news: Educating parents crucial for implementation of child vaccinations

Translator: Anita D, Kenzu T
Editor: Suharto
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