(AI) I think will have a big role for us since Indonesia is currently experiencing a demographic bonus…
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Head of the Artificial Intelligence Industry Research and Innovation Collaboration (KORIKA), Hammam Riza, has said that KORIKA and OpenAI will build an artificial intelligence (AI) system that aligns with the Indonesian nation's values.

"(We) interact and collaborate with OpenAI to build an AI system that has corridors that are in accordance with the way of life of the Indonesian nation," Riza informed here on Wednesday.

During a "Conversation with Sam Altman" event, he said that KORIKA will build an AI technology system that is based on the human-in-the-loop method, or involve humans in each of its development processes.

"The AI that we will build will be based on human-in-the-loop, meaning, human attachment in all of its processes," he explained.

With active human participation in AI development, he said, the information produced by AI will uphold ethics.

Human involvement will produce explainable AI that can prevent the emergence of biased data and instead provide reliable information, he added.

"Humans' (participation) in the AI development process is very important for us, especially as Indonesia has diversity and is related to SARA (ethnicity, religion, race, groups). We certainly need to build a trustworthy AI," Riza said.

Responding to public concerns about the loss of jobs due to the use of AI, he said that AI technology can increase people's creativity and productivity and help them produce better work instead.

In addition, he said, AI technology can encourage people to work more effectively, efficiently, and intelligently.

"(AI) I think will have a big role for us since Indonesia is currently experiencing a demographic bonus so we must continue to leverage the capacity of Indonesian talents through AI," he added.

On a separate occasion, director general of informatics application at the Communication and Informatics Ministry, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, said he is optimistic that AI will not replace humans.

However, AI can help humans in doing their tasks and increase their productivity, he added.

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Translator: Farhan N, Kenzu
Editor: Sri Haryati
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