Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) collaborated with the US Embassy in Indonesia to hold a workshop titled "Clean Energy for Indonesian Industrial Zones: Battery-to-Electric Vehicle (B2EV)."

The workshop, which was held on May 22-24, was aimed to increase the use of clean, environmentally friendly energy technology in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Indonesian industrial areas and strengthening development of the electric vehicle battery supply chain.

"Apart from that, this activity will also open up opportunities for cooperation and business networks for industrial entities in both countries (Indonesia and the US)," Agus Cahyono Adi, who is Head of Communications, Public Information Services and Cooperation Bureau of the ESDM Ministry, noted in a ministry's statement on Thursday.

He also said that the activity will create the opportunity to partner with the US government in terms of financial support in implementing clean energy in Indonesia.

He noted that the activity was carried out to share experiences and knowledge related to technology in developing clean energy, especially regarding the use of electric vehicles, including their ecosystem, in carrying out decarbonization.

On the same occasion, Acting Deputy US Ambassador to Indonesia Jason P. Rebholz stated that the development of renewable energy was important for the economic growth of the two countries.

The US is committed to supporting the sustainable development of batteries and electric vehicles in Indonesia, he said.

"US technology can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Indonesia while encouraging the development of attractive opportunities in Indonesia's inclusive economy," he explained.

The series of workshops features panel discussions on various topics related to the development of the electric vehicle battery supply chain, alternative use of clean energy, and governance in accordance with sustainable Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) concepts in the mining and manufacturing sectors.

Another series was a dialogue session that discussed various points of view of workshop participants in discussions related to clean energy for industry and battery development for electric vehicles in Indonesia.

The workshop invited various speakers and was attended by stakeholders from the government, private sector, state-owned enterprises (BUMN), and associations from both countries.

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Translator: Sinta Ambarwati, Cindy Frishanti Octavia
Editor: Tia Mutiasari
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