Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia takes concrete actions to promote the utilization of electric vehicles to ensure that developments in the transportation sector do not adversely affect people's lives and health, the Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ministry stated.

"In a bid to suppress greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, Indonesia has been actively promoting the use of electric vehicles," ESDM Ministry's Secretary-General, Dadan Kusdiana, said in a statement received from his office here on Thursday.

Speaking at IEA’s 9th Global Conference On Energy Efficiency (GCEE) in Nairobi, Kenya, on Wednesday (May 22), Kusdiana affirmed that Indonesia views transition to eco-friendly vehicles as its main strategy for decarbonizing the sub-sector of land transportation.

He noted that such a transition would also help Indonesia decarbonize its electricity sector and move away from reliance on its imports of fossil-based fuel, which have seen increases in the past few years.

"Reducing imports will lead to the strengthening of our energy resilience. This is the top priority of the government," he underscored.

The official further remarked that decarbonization of the transportation sector is of vital importance, considering the sector's major contribution to Indonesia's greenhouse gas emissions.

In Indonesia, around 11 million active land vehicles generate over 35 million tons of carbon emissions.

"The global transportation sector contributes to over one-third of the world's carbon emissions, with land transports accounting for around one-sixth to the emissions generated. Hence, it is vital that we adopt sustainable and clean transportation systems to mitigate the sector's negative environmental impacts," he remarked.

Since economic developments are expected to lead to a surge in the number of vehicles in the near future, he said Indonesia emphasizes the importance of decarbonizing the transportation sector to achieve the net-zero emission targets by 2060.

Related news: Steady economy can support EV development in Indonesia: Ministry

Related news: Need to handle EV battery waste properly: Ministry

Translator: M. Baqir, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Tia Mutiasari
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