Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesian Communication and Informatics Minister Budi Arie Setiadi invited China to collaborate for artificial intelligence (AI) investment during a bilateral meeting with the Chinese Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology Shan Zhongde.

The meeting, held in Geneva on Monday (May 27), is part of Setiadi's working visit to Switzerland. The minister has also planned a working visit to Shanghai to explore cooperation in the digital field with China.

"Hopefully, this meeting can bring better cooperation for mutual success," he noted in a statement from his ministry on Tuesday.

During the meeting, Minister Setiadi shed light on Indonesia's potential in AI development and investment in human resources as digital talents that are expected to encourage progress for the emergence of other AI innovations.

Also discussed were the ways in which Indonesia can use AI to maximize the digital economy so as to enable it to become a developed country.

From a regulatory perspective, Indonesia is also starting to design clear rules for the development of AI innovations and one of the efforts is issuing a code of ethics for the use of AI for industry players.

Minister Setiadi believes that this scenario and potential will draw China's interest in supporting the development of Indonesia's digitalization through AI, especially in remote areas.

To respond to the invitation, Zhongde stated that China is interested in supporting Indonesia in digital transformation, which also includes supporting 5G and 6G technology connectivity and utilization in the telecommunications sector.

He expressed hope that Indonesia would send its delegates to attend an international forum on the digital industry and AI that will be held in early September 2024 in China.

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Translator: Livia Kristianti, Raka Adji
Editor: Aditya Eko Sigit Wicaksono
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