We want to increase the number of licenses from research results, whether for medical devices, medicines, vaccines, and others, that can be transferred to pharmaceutical (products).
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) is opening opportunities for research cooperation and collaboration with industry partners to push the commercialization of pharmaceutical products and medical devices in Indonesia.

BRIN Head Laksana Tri Handoko said that the market for pharmaceutical products and medical devices is currently still dominated by imported products.

"We want to accelerate the synergy between the pharmaceutical industry, the medical device industry, and researchers and regulators," he informed in Jakarta on Thursday.

Handoko shared his experience dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic when the supply of medicinal raw materials almost ran out due to a surge in public demand.

He noted that BRIN made health research one of the priority programs of the National Research Program for the 2023–2024 period.

"We want the pharmaceutical ecosystem to be able to collaborate with researchers without having to enter the high-cost and high-risk situation because of the development of medicines, especially vaccines," he explained.

On Thursday, BRIN held a business meeting with hundreds of representatives from the health industry, researchers, health industry associations, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), and the Ministry of Health.

The event at the BJ Habibie Building, Jakarta, was held to ensure that research and innovation results can be commercialized by industries.

Handoko expressed the hope that the pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia would get more involved in research and product development.

"We want to increase the number of licenses from research results, whether for medical devices, medicines, vaccines, and others, that can be transferred to pharmaceutical (products)," the BRIN head said.

Related news: Indonesia pushes access to innovative biopharmaceutical products
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Translator: Sugiharto Purnama, Raka Adji
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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