Jakarta (ANTARA) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini launched the Young Indonesian Economic Heroes (Pena Muda) program to help individuals escape the poverty line.

In a statement from the ministry on Monday, Rismaharini noted that young people aged 20-30 years are prioritized as beneficiaries of the program.

Apart from business capital assistance, they will receive assistance in business, packaging, marketing, and financial literacy.

"There are challenges in gaining success. Do not be afraid. If you fall, get up again, and so on until failure is afraid to approach us," she emphasized.

Rismaharini, who launched the online Pena Muda program on Sunday (June 2), also stated that everyone has the right to achieve success. Nothing is impossible if people make all-out efforts to achieve success.

According to the minister, the program is prioritized for young people in the age bracket of 20-30 years whose parents are recipients of the Family Hope Program (PKH).

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The minister affirmed that all that was required to participate in the Pena Muda program was a strong will to overcome poverty and succeed.

Before participating in the Pena Muda program, prospective participants must undergo an assessment to determine their suitability to become beneficiaries of the program, she explained.

Since the statement was published, more than 500 Pena Muda proposals have passed quality control.

Rismaharini remarked that the Pena program has succeeded in producing tens of thousands of successful entrepreneurs, namely beneficiary families (KPM) who have successfully run their businesses and earned income above the district/city minimum wage (UMK). Hence, they no longer receive social assistance from the government.

From 2023 to April 30, 2024, as many as 25,360 KPM no longer depend on social assistance.

Through the Pena Muda program, her side expects more KPM to successfully run businesses and reduce their dependence on the government's social assistance.

Related news: Women's empowerment key to tackling extreme poverty: BKKBN

Translator: Hana Dewi K K, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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