Yogyakarta (ANTARA) - While defending the Palestinian people, the Indonesian government has firmly and consistently upheld the principles of universal values, Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi affirmed.

"Until now, the Indonesian government is still strong and consistent in upholding in continuing to defend the Palestinian people. Because of this strength and principle, Indonesia is respected internationally," she said in Yogyakarta on Monday.

She made the remarks while delivering a public lecture on "Indonesian Diplomacy for Indonesia" at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in Yogyakarta.

Marsudi said that maintaining this consistency has not been easy for Indonesia in the midst of a chaotic and stressful global situation.

"It is not easy to adhere to a principle consistently in the midst of a chaotic world situation, full of pressure here and there with the lure of various kinds of transactions," she added.

However, she emphasized that Indonesia has managed to uphold the principles.

This consistent stance led the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to give the minister a mandate to be among those at the forefront of defending Palestine along with foreign ministers from other countries such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Nigeria, and Palestine.

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At a meeting of several OIC member countries with a number of European countries in Brussels, Belgium, some time ago, Marsudi said, Indonesia was the only non-Arab country that sat with the European Union to support the full UN membership of Palestine.

"If we look at those who received the mandate, Indonesia is a representative of Asia, and this is not something that is achieved easily, this is trust, this is respect for Indonesia," she added.

Marsudi said she hopes that Indonesia will continue to be firm and consistent in upholding the principles because the nation and the international community still face a long struggle to help Palestine.

"What is needed is consistency in upholding principles. I am sure that the future government will also be consistent in providing support for Palestine. Strong alignment with justice, peace, and humanity is needed," she added.

She said that the attitude is in accordance with the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia, which states that independence is the right of all nations and therefore, colonialism must be rooted out globally because it is not in keeping with the values of humanity and justice.

Marsudi said that in its diplomatic efforts, Indonesia has an obligation to defend justice and humanity because that is in line with the mandate of the Constitution.

"I think whoever will hold the government in the future, they will not be outside our Constitutional mandate," she added.

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Translator: Luqman Hakim, Cindy Frishanti Octavia
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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