Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi, encouraged the enhancement of bilateral relations with Rwanda during the inauguration of the African nation's embassy in Jakarta on Thursday.

"My congratulations to the government of Rwanda on the inauguration of its embassy. Indonesia is very honored to welcome your embassy here," she stated in her speech at the inauguration ceremony.

Rwanda has become the eighth Sub-Saharan African country to open an embassy in Jakarta, a milestone in Indonesia-Rwanda relations, Retno said.

Following the inauguration, Retno and Rwanda's Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Vincent Biruta, signed three memoranda of understanding (MoUs) concerning political consultation, general cooperation, and visa exemption for diplomatic and service passport holders.

Retno highlighted that Indonesia and Rwanda are members of the Non-Aligned Movement and the G77. The two nations also contribute significantly to UN peacekeeping forces.

She expressed confidence that the establishment of the Rwanda embassy in Jakarta would enhance bilateral relations and strengthen Indonesia's ties with the African continent.

"The timing is opportune, as next year we will celebrate the platinum jubilee of the Asia-Africa Conference," she added.

Retno further underscored Indonesia's commitment to fostering mutually beneficial cooperation with African nations.

She also welcomed Rwanda's participation in the upcoming second Indonesia-Africa Forum, set to take place in Bali this September.

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Reporter: Katriana
Editor: Anton Santoso
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