Jakarta (ANTARA) - The government has included the vision of "The Realization of Independent, Fair, and Prosperous Papua" in the Master Plan for Accelerating the Development of Papua (RIPPP) 2022-2024 into three development plans.

"First, providing quality and equitable health services, as well as cultivating a healthy and hygienic life in the community towards healthy Papua," National Development Planning Minister and Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa said.

He was speaking at the launch of the RIPPP and Papua Development Acceleration Information System (SIPPP) in Sorong City, Southwest Papua, which was monitored virtually from here on Friday.

With such development plans, he expected that the stunting prevalence rate would fall below 10 percent in 2041, thereby increasing life expectancy and aiding in malaria elimination in all districts and cities.

The second plan pertains to providing education services to the community in order to realize superior, creative, innovative, and noble Papuan residents, with the aim of realizing Smart Papua in 2041.

The third development plan entails increasing the competence, creativity, and innovation of the community in boosting the local economic potential towards realizing “Productive Papua.”

This development planning is expected to reduce the poverty rate and the open unemployment rate, from 5.8 percent to 2.82 percent and from 4.11 percent to 1.73 percent, respectively, by 2041.

In addition, there are several prerequisites to carry out the three missions to achieve the Papua development targets.

First, the basic infrastructure and intra- and inter-regional connectivity that support access to basic service and economic centers.

The second is related to the environment, which is realizing sustainable development and paying attention to the region's carrying capacity, climate resilience, and disaster risk.

The third prerequisite is good governance to strengthen the implementation of Papua’s special autonomy, maintain security and order, and accelerate the operationalization of new autonomous regions.

The last is the recognition and protection of indigenous people's rights.

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Translator: Alatas, Kenzu
Editor: Tia Mutiasari
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