Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Jakarta Provincial Government ensured that the first phase of Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) Plus social assistance will be disbursed in the second week of June 2024.

"(First batch) recipients of KJP Plus do not need to worry, I make sure it will be disbursed this week," Acting Head of the Jakarta Education Office Budi Awaluddin stated here on Sunday.

KJP Plus is a social aid program given to Jakarta underprivileged residents, aged 6-21 years old, to be able to attend the 12-year compulsory education.

Awaluddin said the KJP Plus disbursement in the first phase of 2024 was late because the government needed to match and verify the recipients' data and domicile.

KJP Plus recipients must live in Jakarta, do not have a four-wheeled vehicle and property assets with a value totalling above Rp1 billion.

Other things that need to be verified are that the recipients do not hold the status of being civil servant, the military/police, member of central and regional legislative bodies, and permanent employees of state-owned enterprises (SOEs).

The government wants to ensure that the education aid budget is on target so that the principle of justice in the education sector can be realized together.

Awaluddin said that the KJP Plus aid disbursement will be carried out in stages, with the first batch consisting of two stages.

"The recipients are those who really need it, such as underprivileged to vulnerable residents," he said.

He emphasized that the aid distribution must be more selective to families who really need it and they are recorded in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).

"From elementary to high school or equivalent levels, either public or private schools, if they are classified as underprivileged citizens, they are entitled to this program," he said.

Related news: Jakarta to recheck smart, student card recipient lists
Related news: Jakarta to revoke KJP Plus benefits of students who smoke

Translator: Lia S, Kenzu
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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