Jakarta (ANTARA) - Members of the Indonesian diaspora spread across various countries have the ability to advance the country in the field of technology and science, according to Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Hadi Tjahjanto.

"Of course, they can encourage the birth of various innovations and increase productivity and progress in various fields," Tjahjanto stated here on Thursday.

The minister highlighted that currently, the Indonesian diaspora is highly educated and working in the fields of technology, industry, and science abroad.

As several countries, including Indonesia, have entered the globalization era, it is easier for people to mobilize for the benefit of education or work.

Meanwhile, connectivity between countries can also open up opportunities for members of the Indonesian diaspora to return to their hometowns to apply technological and scientific advancements in Indonesia.

Tjahjanto highlighted that as of July 2019, around 8,828 members of the Indonesian diaspora were spread across countries globally.

"They work in various significant fields, such as mining and oil, law, processing industry, aviation, education, information technology, fashion industry, and cultural arts," he stated.

The minister underscored the need for the state to facilitate the Indonesian diaspora's return and help advance the nation on various lines.

However, Tjahjanto pointed out that regulatory and technical issues were often encountered in the process of the return of the Indonesian diaspora.

Hence, he said that the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs as well as the Foreign Affairs Ministry will review the related regulation so that the diaspora can return home and contribute to the nation.

"The study team can provide strategic recommendations for the short, medium, and long term that benefit Indonesia's development," he stated.

Through such efforts, Tjahjanto expressed hope that Indonesians living abroad and the government would collaborate in advancing the nation.

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Translator: Walda, Kenzu
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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