Jakarta (ANTARA) - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Hadi Tjahjanto stated that the government is exerting efforts for the reconstruction of the Indonesian Hospital in the Gaza Strip.

"We have discussed it, which is still in an early stage, so we can have the new Indonesian Hospital in Gaza in the future," the minister remarked here on Thursday (June 13).

Tjahjanto explained that the coordinating ministry has taken several steps, including engaging in communication with the Indonesian humanitarian organization Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C) regarding the redevelopment of the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza.

However, he could not determine when the development would start, as it hinges on the conflict situation in Gaza.

The minister, on Monday (June 10), received MER-C Presidium Chief Sarbini Abdul Murad to discuss the redevelopment of the Indonesian Hospital in the Gaza Strip.

Hadi commended the organization's persistence in maintaining their humanitarian service in Gaza amid continued and indiscriminate Israeli aggression in the region.

He also reiterated the government's support for humanitarian assistance provided by MER-C for the Palestinian people.

The humanitarian organization earlier denounced Israel for harassing and attacking hospitals along the Gaza Strip, which also affected the Indonesian Hospital built "from the generosity of the Indonesian people."

Through their open letter to World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in December 2023, they called out Israel for exploiting hospitals as their military bases during their aggression in Gaza.

They also urged the WHO to intervene and advocate for the protection of all hospitals in Gaza from being utilized for military purposes by Israel.

"We believe that hospitals, especially in times of conflict, should remain safe zones, protected even during wartime, to carry out their noble duty of treating and saving the lives of war victims," as stated by MER-C in their open letter.

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Translator: Walda Marison, Nabil Ihsan
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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