Jakarta (ANTARA) - The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) reported on Tuesday that around 4,000 residents in West Nias, North Sumatra, became victims of floods and landslides following prolonged high-intensity rains on Sunday.

Head of the Data, Information, and Communication Center of BNPB Abdul Muhari said in a statement from the agency that the victims are from around 1,000 families across 18 villages in the district.

According to the latest report from the West Nias Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD), the disasters also affect at least 1,000 residential houses, several plantation areas, and rice fields.

Once the floodwaters start to recede, the BNPB will work with the local government to conduct a quick assessment to determine how to address the disasters, including the handling of the damaged infrastructure, Muhari said.

The BNPB confirmed that the floods and landslides hit the sub-districts of Mandrehe, West Mandrehe, Lahomi, North Mandrehe, and Moro’o.

The agency called on people in those disaster-prone areas to remain alert and take preventive measures to minimize the impacts of subsequent disasters that could potentially occur.

This step is deemed necessary as weather forecasts from the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) indicate that heavy rains can still hit West Nias in the next few days.

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Translator: M Riezko, Raka Adji
Editor: Anton Santoso
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