Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry is intensifying monitoring and action against activities that can cause air pollution in the Greater Jakarta area (Jabodetabek), including by identifying 230 companies for supervision.

Rasio Ridho Sani, the ministry's Director General of Law Enforcement, said on Thursday that the air pollution control task force has identified sources of air pollution in Jabodetabek following the recent decline in air quality.

"We have identified 230 locations that contributed to the decline in Jakarta's air quality from industrial activities or businesses," he said.

This year, the ministry conducted special supervision of eight companies in Jabodetabek. Environmental monitoring officers halted operations at three of these companies due to violations related to air pollution control.

The ministry is tracking air conditions in Jabodetabek via 15 Air Quality Monitoring System (AQMS) points to identify areas with reduced air quality.

Industries in these areas would be targets for supervision and law enforcement if they were found to have committed violations related to air pollution control.

On the same occasion, the ministry's Director of Supervision Complaints and Administrative Sanctions Ardyanto Nugroho said that supervision has also been carried out on companies that have received a red PROPER (Public Disclosure Program for Environmental Compliance) warning three times in a row.

Red PROPER is given by the ministry to companies that are carrying out environmental management but have not achieved the results regulated by statutory regulations.

"If there are complaints from the public about air pollution generated by one company, we will also monitor it," he added.

Nugroho said that the ministry will also carry out environmental patrols around industrial areas as part of efforts to reduce air pollution in Jabodetabek.

Related news: Gov't monitoring 32 industries suspected of polluting air
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Translator: Prisca Triferna V, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Anton Santoso
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