Jakarta (ANTARA) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will receive a new residence as a grant from the government after the end of his presidential term as mandated by law, according to the State Secretariat Ministry.

The ministry's secretary, Setya Utama, confirmed that the president has selected for his future residence a land plot in Karanganyar in Central Java, close to his hometown, Surakarta.

"The president himself asked and selected the location for his future residence. The president and his family have their consideration in deciding it," Utama noted in a short message here on Thursday.

The total size of the land plot granted to the president is subject to the budget ceiling under the law, he remarked.

Utama affirmed that the home on the selected land plot would be ready for immediate use by the retired president once his term ended.

"The president will hold (the house's) ownership rights, and his descendants can also inherit the house," he revealed.

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According to Law No.7 of 1978 regulating financial and administrative rights for the president, the vice president, and their predecessors, former presidents and vice presidents are entitled to receive a house, inclusive of furniture and facilities, from the state.

Meanwhile, Presidential Regulation No.52 of 2014 mandated the State Secretariat Ministry to procure the president's retirement residence, which should be available before the president and vice president conclude their duty.

The regulation stipulates the house should be located within the Indonesian territory and be accessible, appropriate to the former leaders' daily activities and needs, as well as manageable by security details.

Former presidents and vice presidents are entitled to receive only a one-time house grant, regardless of whether they served for two terms.

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Translator: Benardy F, Nabil Ihsan
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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