The food program could serve as one solution to increase demand for the domestic plastic industry's products
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Olefin, Aromatic, and Plastic Industry Association (INAPLAS) has said that the free nutritious lunch program initiated by President-elect Prabowo Subianto could push up demand for plastic products.

"If Prabowo's nutritious lunch and food independence program runs, demand (for plastic) will increase," INAPLAS' director of domestic and international partnerships, Budi Susanto, said at a press conference here on Thursday.

The food program could serve as one solution to increase demand for the domestic plastic industry's products, he added.

For example, he said, polybags or black-colored perforated plastic sheets could be alternatives to pots for growing plants like chillis.

Meanwhile, for packaging foods and beverages, especially processed foods, products from the plastic industry are needed, he explained.

He made the statement while discussing the steps that will be taken by INAPLAS to deal with the decline in demand for the domestic plastic industry's products.

The decline in demand has been caused by a flood of imports of plastic products from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, China, South Korea, and the Middle East.

One reason for the import glut has been Trade Ministerial Regulation (Permendag) Number 8 of 2024, which has relaxed import permits.

Susanto is worried that this regulation could force domestic plastic industry players to shut shop and thereby, have an impact on the employment sector.

"As many as three million workers will lose their jobs," he highlighted.

Therefore, he expressed the hope that Permendag No. 8 of 2024 would be revised and Permendag No. 36 of 2023 concerning restrictions on imported goods would be re-enacted.

"Permendag Number 36 of 2023 must be re-implemented to limit the import of plastic products from other countries," he said.

The association has also asked the government to impose the safeguard measures import duty (BMTP) and anti-dumping import duty (BMAD) on plastic goods.

Related news: Ministry conveys inputs on President-elect's free lunch program
Related news: Govt outlines state budget strategies for funding free lunch program

Translator: Putu S, Kenzu
Editor: Arie Novarina
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