Jakarta (ANTARA) - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati made three recommendations at the Pandemic Fund High-Level Event, held as part of the 3rd Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting under the Brazilian G20 Presidency.

"As the co-chair of the health and finance ministers, I conveyed three important things," Indrawati said in a statement issued here on Thursday.

First, the Pandemic Fund must fund preparedness and response measures to control disease outbreaks to minimize their impact, she informed.

Second, the Pandemic Fund must draw alternative financing through collaborative projects with multilateral development banks (MDBs), the private sector, philanthropists, and funds from each participating country.

Third, developed countries must support the Pandemic Fund through "Debt-for-Health Swaps" to ease the burden on poor countries with high debt.

The Pandemic Fund was an initiative of Indonesia's G20 Presidency in 2022. It managed to raise more than US$2 billion from 47 donors.

Related news: Finance, health ministers sign Pandemic Fund proposal cover letter

So far, it has funded 19 projects for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response in 37 countries, including Bhutan, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Mongolia, and India.

In addition, Indrawati assured that Indonesia continues to support cooperation in pandemic handling.

Indonesia has continued to promote the Pandemic Fund at various international forums, such as the ASEAN forum.

"We continue to encourage collaboration in finance and health as the most important things to prepare for the next pandemic," she said.

Earlier, Indonesia also participated in negotiations on the Pandemic Treaty at the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) convention, the Health Ministry informed.

During the negotiations, Indonesia fought for its national interests, especially regarding strategic issues such as a health surveillance system, technology transfer, and equal access in anticipating potential pandemics.

Related news: Indonesia issues proposal to WB for better pandemic risk preparedness

Translator: Imamatul S, Kenzu
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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