Jakarta (ANTARA) - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin emphasized the need to take into account different perspectives, including the religious one, while dealing with controversies arising from the government's decision to provide contraceptives for teens and students.

"I suggest that all relevant parties consult with religious institutions to pay equal attention to religious aspects and avoid pivoting on medical considerations," he remarked in Bantul District, Yogyakarta Special Province, on Wednesday.

Amin underscored that integrating health considerations and religious values is essential to reaching a solution that can accommodate both practical purposes and the principles society adheres to.

The vice president then highlighted the importance of the government holding in-depth dialogues and consultations in order to ensure that the policy is viable and will not trigger fragmentation instead.

"This is because controversies might render the policy counterproductive," he stressed.

Related news: Use of contraceptives can help prevent maternal deaths: IBI

Controversies arose after Government Regulation No.28 of 2024 concerning the implementation of the Health Law was issued. The regulation's points included implementing programs aimed at assisting teenagers in maintaining their reproductive health.

The programs include dissemination of information on the reproductive system, function, and process; ways to care for reproductive health; risky sexual conducts and their likely detrimental effects; family planning; and the importance of resisting risky sexual intercourse.

Health Ministry's spokesperson, Mohammad Syahril, earlier stated that the government is also planning on providing contraceptives and related information to teenagers.

"However, it should be noted that the contraceptives are targeted only at teenagers who have been married. Our goal is to facilitate teen couples to postpone pregnancy when they are not yet ready in terms of economy and health," he remarked.

Related news: Contraceptives services aimed at married teens: Health Ministry

Translator: Andi F, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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