Pontianak, W Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Deputy Minister of Home Affairs John Wempi Wetipo stated that Independence Day offers a reminder to strengthen border areas and achieve equitable prosperity across regions.

"Regarding the regional economy, the central government has emphasized the need to strengthen the domestic logistics supply chain to border areas and enhance the value of handicraft products from border communities," Wetipo stated on Saturday.

He was reading the home minister's statement at the Independence Day ceremony held at the Entikong Cross-Border Post (PLBN) in Sanggau, West Kalimantan.

Wetipo underscored the need to step up supervision and service governance in all PLBNs, including immigration, customs, and quarantine.

"We need to conduct a detailed risk assessment for both security and service to ensure that our PLBNs can function optimally," he remarked.

He explained that immigration and customs are the front-line guardians of the country's sovereignty.

"We must ensure they have the necessary capabilities to carry out their duties," he stated.

Wetipo appealed to all people living in the border areas to maintain unity and solidarity.

"All Indonesian citizens at the border must be able to show the strength and pride of our nation," he affirmed.

He stated that managing state borders is a complex government affair, for which a pentahelix approach involving the government, academics, the business sector, the media, and the community is necessary.

"The collaborative and pentahelix approach is essential in border area development," he said. "Every element, whether the central government, local government, academicians, the business world, the community, or the media, has individual strengths."

The momentum of Independence Day is expected to be a starting point to strengthen border areas, allowing these regions to contribute to inclusive and sustainable national development.

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Translator: Rendra O, Kenzu
Editor: Anton Santoso
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