Jakarta (ANTARA) - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) disbursed Rp1.1 billion (US$71.3 thousand) in ready-to-use funds to help deal with the emergency response triggered by a flash flood in Ternate City, North Maluku.

"These funds are essentially meant to ensure the fulfillment of the needs of disaster victims," Abdul Muhari, Head of BNPB’s Data, Information, and Disaster Communication Center, stated at a press conference in Jakarta on Monday.

He explained that the funds comprise Rp500 million (US$32.4 thousand) for the Ternate Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD), Rp400 million in total (US$26 thousand) for two Ternate local military commands, and Rp200 million (US$13 thousand) for the Ternate City Police.

Muhari underlined that the assistance had been made available for each recipient institution to take immediate measures for helping residents, such as distributing logistics aid for the next two weeks, searching for missing people, and carrying out post-disaster recovery.

"Hopefully, these aid funds will help ensure effective, efficient, and unhindered emergency response operations," the official stated.

The BNPB has earlier distributed several aid items in the form of tents, lamps, blankets, mattresses, and basic necessities, among others, to residents affected by the flash flood lashing Rua Village on Ternate Island on early Sunday (August 25).

Moreover, the national agency has moved swiftly to erect two refugee camps in the vicinity of the flood-struck area.

Based on the latest data received from the BNPB on Monday morning, the flood had killed 13 people, injured nine, and rendered six others missing.

The flash flood, which carried mud, sand, and rocks from Mount Gamalama, also severely damaged 25 houses and one praying room, in addition to affecting several meters of road.

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Translator: M. Riezko, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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